Welcome To The Reality Of Reality!
The Truth Seekers
Our aim as a team is to try and help expose the secrets and cover ups that our Governments are keeping from us, we have a right to know the truth and not to be kept in the dark.
We as a team try and look at conspiracies from both angles BUT! since we are being kept in the dark it gives us strong reason to think there are conspiracies and cover ups and we as people have the right to know the truth and if it means us going out and doing research to find the truth then that is exactly what we will do and that is what The Truth Seekers are about.
Ufology is the array of subject matter and activities associated with an interest in Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists. The term derives from UFO, which is pronounced as an acronym, and the suffix -logy, which comes from the Ancient Greek λογία (logiā).
It is The Truth Seekers aim to find out if they do exist, to do research into this, and to interview people who have become witness to a UFO encounter/sighting, we then write up a full report and store it on file, some reports may be put on this website but if we think certain reports should be kept classified then they will not be put on this website.
The term parapsychology (also known as psi phenomena) was coined in or around 1889 by philosopher Max Dessoir, and originates from para meaning "alongside", and psychology. The term was adopted by J.B. Rhine in the 1930's as a replacement for the term psychical research. Parapsychologists study a number of ostensibly paranormal phenomena, including telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation and apparitional experiences.
Parapsychology research is conducted in some 30 different countries. Laboratory and field research is conducted through private institutions and universities. Privately funded units in psychology departments at universities in the United Kingdom are among the most active today. In the United States, interest in research peaked in the 1970's and university-based research has declined since then, although private institutions still receive funding from donations.
While parapsychological research has occasionally appeared in mainstream academic journals, most of the recent research is published in a small number of niche journals. Journals dealing with parapsychology include the Journal of Parapsychology, Journal of Near-Death Studies, Journal of Consciousness Studies, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research and Journal of Scientific Exploration.
Critics state that methodological flaws can explain any apparent experimental successes and the status of parapsychology as a science has been vigorously disputed. Many scientists regard the discipline as pseudoscience, saying that parapsychologists continue investigation despite not having demonstrated conclusive evidence of psychic abilities in more than a century of research.
The Truth Seekers go to haunted locations in the UK, Scotland, Ireland and Wales to conduct experiments and research into cases related to parapsychology, again interviewing witnesses who have experienced anything of paranormal nature and writing up reports.